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Cordial’s total learning experience

About Cordial learning

Positive and lasting change requires the right skills at the right time. Cordial aims to offer courses in a range of formats to help individuals and organisations strengthen their competence in modern business development and transformation.

You can become a certified architect in business transformation, take a short intensive course to sharpen your skills in a specific area or let us tailor a course to fit the needs of your team or company. Cordial’s wide range of open and in-house courses helps you and your organisation grow and develop.

Stockholm sunrise

Certification program

The Certified Business Transformation Architect program makes you a certified transformation architect and gives you deeper knowledge of business-driven business development from a business model and architecture perspective. Cordial’s certification program is often mentioned as a desired credential in job postings for business architecture positions.

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Focus courses

For those of you who want to deepen your skills in a specific area, our focus training courses are available in 2–4 working days. The focus training courses are ordered by you as a team and help you gain a strong and shared knowledge base, regardless of whether it is in, for example, business models, organizational issues, process development or data-driven business development.

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Tailored training courses

Together with you as a customer, we design content for your organization’s specific needs. Tailored training helps your organization develop skills that can be quickly applied to daily work to increase the efficiency and results of your business development. Cordial has extensive experience in developing in-house training for a wide range of companies and organizations – of different sizes and from different industries.

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An interactive learning experience with a focus on the heart

Cordial's pedagogical principles

Learning and growth can take many forms. In the 15 years that Cordial has trained both customers and employees, a few foundational concepts have proven to be decisive in our approach. Listed below, they comprise our pledge to you, as well as our expectations of you, as a participant.

Triple learning

Far from a “one size fits all” model, the Cordial learning experience includes theory, practical exercises, and dialogue, all designed to engage as many senses as possible. You’ll get inspiring real-world presentations, collaborative group exercises, insights from our instructors, and a chance to reflect on everyone’s different approaches.

Pracademic approach

All the theory is brought to life through real stories and examples of triumphs and failures, ideally drawn from our own backgrounds. This is because Cordial’s methodology is based on both theory and practice – we are practising academics! You can apply everything you learn directly to your role and business since it’s already been vetted and tested in the real world.  

Active engagement

Experience shows that the will to learn is a crucial factor for progress. Your own engagement, interest, and mindset will be instrumental to getting exactly what you need from whatever course you take with Cordial. Help co-create a unique learning experience by raising challenging questions and sharing your own examples and insights with instructors.

Three perspectives on transformation

These perspectives and core values capture how Cordial views transformation. They are built into our methodology and brought to life through its application. As a learning participant, you also get to share these values by growing with us. 

Truly holistic

Successfully transforming one part of a business requires consideration of how it impacts the whole. With any Cordial course, you get a learning experience that’s rooted in a holistic perspective. You’re invited into the foundations of our own advisory services – the business architecture – as one of your tools in learning how to shape and drive a business.

All business is human

No solution can produce results without being embraced by the people that will bring it to life. Real change comes from understanding, building relationships, and moving in harmony with those who make up the organisation itself. Therefore, that human-centred perspective is a natural component of all courses offered by Cordial.

A team sport with engaged leadership

Transformation is a team sport that demands bold and ambitious leadership as well as commitment from decision-makers and other key players. For a successful transformation with execution power, cooperation between different roles and competencies is more crucial than any level of expertise in the organisation.

Customers of our learning experiences include


Personal contact

Curious about our courses but not sure which one is right for you or your company? Have specific questions about a course? Don’t hesitate to reach out directly to Torbjörn Olsson, Learning Manager at Cordial.

Torbjörn Olsson | Manager Learning

Telefon: +46 73 851 22 41
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