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Sustainable workplaces that are flexible and committed – the organisations of tomorrow are already here, today.

Contact us about helping your organisation

A balanced approach

In order for a business to stay relevant, for both employees and customers, it needs a modern and effective way to organise itself. Unleashing the power of an organisation requires simplifying its processes and designing it to help employees collaborate and deliver value to customers, users, and other stakeholders.


Our services

What does your company need to develop and grow? Cordial’s advisory services for organisations offer our customers a number of different approaches and avenues to build and expand their business. You don’t even have to know beforehand exactly what solution you need advice on implementing. Contact us, and let’s talk more about a future collaboration!

Organisational design

How you choose to design your organisational structure is crucial for ensuring proper conditions for quickly and efficiently adapting to changing circumstances within a market or changing needs of your customers. By clearly defining the purpose/assignment, responsibility, and mandate for the various departments within your organisation, you can create the conditions that foster commitment, autonomy, and cooperation.
We have a well-proven method to design and develop your organisational structure together with you that takes into account your business models, culture, and customers. We can help you create the best conditions to attract the right talent, as well as stay relevant to your customers – today and tomorrow.

Operating model

Your operational model includes everything from your team’s shared game plan to the game rules and system, and even how you play the game together. In other words, an operational model is a description of the structures and working methods required to realise your business plan and desired market position by sustainably delivering value to your customers. The operational model is also management’s tool for designing, leading, and tracking a company’s progress.

Based on your overall purpose, vision, and strategic agenda, we work with you to design and develop the underlying framework – organisational and governance structures, defined roles, set responsibilities and mandates, and collaborative working methods – for a sustainable and flexible operating model adapted to your established culture, operating conditions, and desired behaviours.

Agile Organisation

Becoming an agile organisation means gaining the ability to comprehend the current and changing needs of your customers and then act on those insights. An agile organisation can quickly adapt and evolve its structures, offers, and customer touchpoints to stay relevant. It requires both an agile development methodology and agile working methods, as well as an agile organisational structure and an agile mindset.

We have years of experience working with customers to adapt their organisational structures, roles, responsibilities, and mandates. We help ensure everything aligns with their chosen approach of agile development and working methods.

Agile and self-organised team

Are you striving to increase the degree of agility and self-organisation in your teams, but not sure how best to get there? You’re not alone. As agile development methodologies and working methods are introduced, there’s also an increasing need to work in agile and self-organised teams.

Getting there requires a structured and holistic approach that both addresses foundational and cultural conditions, as well as a conscious and long-term effort to train employees and leaders in the new working methods being introduced.

We have extensive experience helping not only companies that have already introduced frameworks for large-scale agile development (such as SAFe) and need structure to drive their agile and self-organised teams, but businesses where the desire for increased agility and self-organisation is primarily driven by a cultural perspective as well. Regardless of what triggers the need, we work together with you – based on your business, goals and needs – to design and implement the best conditions to succeed in your agile development.

Governance model

As Werner von Siemens once said, “to measure is to know.” A well-thought-out governance model is a prerequisite for realising set goals in a company and transitioning towards future business plans, as well as fostering desired behaviours and culture. A governance model is so much more than which KPIs you choose to target and measure, it also includes where decisions are made, in which forums and by which roles. To ensure that your governance model supports the progress you want and measures the performance you need to track, it should be based on both your desired organisational structure and a clearly defined management philosophy.

We have a well-proven method to work with you on designing and developing your governance that takes into account your business plan, culture, and customers. It creates the best conditions for you to attract the right talent, as well as stay relevant to your customers – today and tomorrow.

Let’s talk!

Contact us if you want to know more about how we can advise you in matters related to organisation.

Lise Tormod
Phone: 070 976 10 91
Send an email