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Disruption feed 2022 #2: Fusion energy and the mobile app market

Disruption news
Disruption feed 2022 #2: Fusion energy and the mobile app market

Fusion energy breakthrough!

Today’s nuclear power plants are based on fission (splitting atoms), however fusion (merging atoms) offers immense possibilities since it both creates less radioactive material and ha a nearly unlimited fuel supply. If possible, fusion could be the solution to ending the global energy crisis.

Fusion is however much harder to control and doing so at scale is yet to be solved. However, a few weeks ago (using commercial fuel) scientists more than doubled the previous record from 1997 raising real hopes for its future use.

“These landmark results have taken us a huge step closer to conquering one of the biggest scientific and engineering challenges of them all.”

– Prof Ian Chapman, Chief executive of the UK Atomic Energy Authority

RELATED ARTICLE: Nuclear fusion heat record a huge step in quest for new energy source[

The mobile app market is huge and it continues to grow

1 200 billion SEK was spent on mobile apps and in app purchases during 2021, a market that didn’t exist 13 years ago and an increase of 20% compared to 2020. Apples App Store has a dominant position with almost 2/3 of the market even though the number of Android users are significantly more. Apple is clearly way better at making their customers pay at the moment.

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