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Cordial has a deep wealth of experience in practical sustainability at your disposal. We’ve worked with everything from control systems for biofuels to sustainability reporting to complete transformations of entire companies that want to pursue a more sustainable agenda.

Contact us about your sustainability needs

Profitability & sustainability go hand in hand

The business models of tomorrow need to be both profitable and sustainable. It can’t just be one or the other. The only thing that’s truly sustainable is to create a profitable business by doing the right thing – for the climate and society, as well as for employees, customers, and other stakeholders. Sustainability is not an isolated philosophy but a mindset that shapes the entire organisation, from strategy to business models to supporting structures. Everything has to be connected.


Our services

What does your organisation need to develop? Within the area of sustainability, you can get insights and advice on several aspects of growth and evolution. There’s no pressure to define all your needs and solutions beforehand. Contact us to talk more about how Cordial can help!

Sustainable strategy & operating model

Modern society has developed around a linear economy (take-make-waste), which inefficiently utilises resources and creates large amounts of waste. In contrast, new circular business models require smarter use of resources and minimising waste. Products have to be designed for a longer lifespan of use, including later lifecycle stages like recycling and reuse. Circularity also involves sustainable manufacturing with renewable materials, as well as using digitalisation to more efficiently share resources and transform products into services.


Success in this area demands a high level of innovation and systems thinking. There also needs to be a completely new approach to collaboration both within and between organisations.


Cordial’s advisors are your partners in the journey toward a more circular economy, leading you through each step of the transformation. That includes identifying circular business models, analysing the need for new capabilities, developing a business case, and supporting internal and external collaboration, all the way from pilot to scale-up.

Innovation & circular business models

Modern society has developed around a linear economy (take-make-waste), which inefficiently utilises resources and creates large amounts of waste. In contrast, new circular business models require smarter use of resources and minimising waste. Products have to be designed for a longer lifespan of use, including later lifecycle stages like recycling and reuse. Circularity also involves sustainable manufacturing with renewable materials, as well as using digitalisation to more efficiently share resources and transform products into services.

Success in this area demands a high level of innovation and systems thinking. There also needs to be a completely new approach to collaboration both within and between organisations.

Cordial’s advisors are your partners in the journey toward a more circular economy, leading you through each step of the transformation. That includes identifying circular business models, analysing the need for new capabilities, developing a business case, and supporting internal and external collaboration, all the way from pilot to scale-up.

Sustainable supply chains and certifications

Recent years have seen a sharp increase in demands for transparency across the entire value chain, not least of all from consumers. The days of focusing just on how much something costs are over. People want to know where and how products have been produced, what they contain, and whether each step in the value chain is sustainable. And because of this, any lack of control or transparency can carry serious operational and brand risks.

Our team helps you analyse risk in your value chain and fine-tune your methods and processes for mapping supply chains. You also receive support in designing sustainability requirements for suppliers and implementing tools to measure their performance.

Compliance with rules and regulations for sustainability is another area that’s undergone enormous development in recent years, resulting in greater complexity and an increased workload. We can examine how legislation and regulations like the EU taxonomy or RED II will impact your business, making sure that you know what it takes to meet all requirements. With Cordial, you get the benefit of extensive experience in guiding companies ahead of sustainability certifications like ISCC and ISO14001.


Companies and organisations must rapidly adjust their operations to reduce their contribution to climate change as well as their entire value chain’s climate footprint. New climate-related risks represent threats to business, such as extreme weather that damages infrastructure, but they can also introduce new business opportunities in how they transform society.

Cordial advisors can help you with climate risk analysis and related action plans, as well as identifying new business opportunities. Our team also offers assistance on a broad spectrum of more specific climate work, depending on where you are in your sustainability journey. We can help you identify stakeholder requirements, map your climate impact (using Scope 1,2,3 based on the GHG protocol and SBTi), set and manage goals, determine metrics and initiatives, and even implement and coordinate your entire climate-related transformation.

Sustainable value creation

Perspectives on sustainability are often limited to compliance, risk minimisation, and negative impact reduction. However, successful sustainable development isn’t complete without seeking out new opportunities and highlighting socially positive value creation. Assessing and raising awareness of the value that companies create for society can have many positive effects. This includes new incentives for sustainable investments, new forms of collaboration, improved branding, and a sense of inner pride that can motivate employees and attract new talent.

With Cordial’s help, you can develop and implement a shared value strategy. You can receive assistance with data production to calculate the impact of both the value your existing initiatives create and the value that future investments can create for society, the individual, and the company. You can also get support in using communications and storytelling to shape and deliver your message.

Let’s talk!

Contact me to learn more about how we can advise you on sustainability.

Patrik Sandin, Senior Advisor Sustainability
Telephone: 076 – 280 89 31
Send an email